Wearing a thrifted tee, second hand lace skirt, vintage combats, aldo bag and sunnies and random jewelry.

So you probably can't tell by the outfit and lack of anything red/maple leaf-y, but yesterday was Canada Day. God, I love Canada Day! I actually used to hate it when I was younger, because I always spent them at the Forks with my fam and all we would seriously do for 10 hours was sit around and stuff our faces while we were subjected to numerous mosquito bites and waited for the goddamn fireworks (which I was never really fond of). And then there was the whole deal of the Forks being suuuuuuper crowded and smelly due to the port-a-potties and sweaty people.

Anyways, this year was actually great because I didn't spend it with my family (sorry dudes, love you all but I'm 17 and I want freedom). Instead, I went to Osborne Village with my BFF and basically just chilled (or rather, melted).

Anyways, Click HERE for more of our shenanigans.

This is my BFF Bryce (for those of you might not be aware). She is cool and half of her head is shaved. Rah!!!

Basically our whole day was as follows:

-Took bus to Osborne
-We walked down the street in a mission to ambush at least 15 stylish people
and interrogate them about their style/take their pictures
-I chicken out and duck into a store only to see my friend Zoe with whom we chat with for a bit
-We stumble out and see some people who went to my high school (and take their pictures)
-I hear my name being yelled, and it is none other than Andrew with his YSL bag and his stylish friend Katina with the really cool shoes
-We move on to find more stylish people and Bryce has to literally shove me towards certain people
who were really cool but also intimidating (this happened a lot)
-At various time throughout the day we screamed and complained in agony about the goddamn weather
(it was very humid, at least 30 degrees Celsius and I was wearing black!)
-After about four hours we finally, finally go home and watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns.

Garrett's epic long board that features robots vs teddy bears, I believe.

So, yeah, that was basically our Canada Day! I'd show you more pictures, but they're a surprise and they're not really "for" my blog. (You'll see soon though!)

Hope you all have a great weekend, and for my American lovers, have a happy Fourth of July!



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