This is seriously THE moment of truth.

The video that you are about to see is the work of two extremely hardworking people (Bryce and I) who were incredibly willing to put loads of time and effort into the making of this fabulous, (ha, correct me if you must) fabulous film. WE JUST LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! WOOOOO!

Just to warn you though--as meticulous as we were, the video's still a little bad quality. Crappy digital camera=shitty footage, and bad audio (I suggest turning your volume up at the highest). I think at some point in the video, our mouths start moving at a different time than our voices, so keep that in mind;) Also, we look really grey and drab for some odd reason....

Anyways, I should stop yapping. ENJOY THE VIDEO!

Obviously, I didn't get to answer all the questions in the video because it would take far too long, so instead, I've answered them in plain text below.

Do you have any siblings?
Yes, one sis, she is twelve yrs. old.

What are your other hobbies?
Well, thanks to this whole video-making experience, filming is my new hobby;)

A fact about you that no one could guess from looking at you?
My real age and real ethnicity? Haha, Im not sure!

Who takes your photos?
My sister used to, but more recently (a few months ago) I do them myself, with a tripod.

How exactly did you wander into fashion and photography?
I've been into fashion since I was really young. I got into photography when I signed up for a graphics class, where I first picked up a DSLR. Who knew I'd be so into it!

How long have you been doing photography for?
About a year. In fact, it's Dave's first birthday in ten days;)

When you’re doing an outdoor photoshoot, do you get bystanders?
Haha, I only get bylookers. I have yet to have anyone stand around while in the middle of a shoot!

What are your career plans after high school?
After HS, I definitely want to move out of Winnipeg and study in Toronto. I haven't chosen a university yet, but I know I want to major in photography, and maybe study fashion design/advertising on the side.

If you couldn’t be what you wanted to be, what else would you be?I've always told people my plan B: Real Estate! Yes, I'm going to be one of those impeccably dressed, power suit-wearing, slightly bitchy realtors selling pricey houses.

Have you ever considered modeling?
Only when you bring it up;) I don't really think I'd ever make it (didn't I mention how short I am?) but hey, if anyone wants to hire me, I'm game!

Are you a make-up artist?
Nope, just a kid with too much time and a penchant for outrageous makeup, heavy brows, and painted eyes.

How the hell do you shape your eyebrows so perfectly? Do you do them yourself?
Yep, I do them myself. I've never had them professionally done in my life! I've had this shape since I was 13 and they've changed quite a bit since then; but basically, when I first started, I took a white eyeliner, traced out an arch, and plucked accordingly. Three years later, and all I have to do is maintain by plucking the strays and grooming with NYC browser. That's it.

How is your skin so perfect? Routines?
Hehe, it's not really! Aside from drinking loads of water and staying away from junkfood, I have a specific routine: cleanse with a not-too-harsh cleanser to get rid of dirt and makeup, exfoliate with baking soda+water (cheap and works great!), medicate pimples with benzoyl peroxide (I swear by this!), moisturize to keep skin from drying out (I like proactive medicated moisturizer as well as Olay), and most importantly, I make sure I wear sunscreen EVERYDAY (I use Neutrogena Dry-touch SPF 45) to prevent sun damage.

What is your hair routine?
Wash, and blowdry. I'm pretty lucky to have obedient hair!

Favourite store? Favourite online shop?
Meh, aside from the local thriftstores and vintage shops, I don't shop anywhere else really. And I most definitely don't shop online!

All time fave accessory you can't live without?
If we're talking all-time, it would have to be my deer/quartz crystal necklace combo!

What are 3 of your favorite things in your closet?
Combat boots, Costa Blanca leather jacket, and vintage Levi cutoff shorts.

If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pink. It's entertaining!

Would you rather: one really gorgeous, expensive pair of shoes or one really gorgeous, expensive bag?
Bag! I can't wear Louboutins to school/in the winter!

Would you rather be in a submarine by yourself for six months or in a rocket ship in space with your best friend for a year?
In space with Bryce:)

What’s your favorite holiday?
This is easy. How can you not love Leif Erichsen Day??!!

Your opinion on toe socks?
LAME! They make your feet colder!

The one thing you literally can't live without?
Air?! that and sunscreen.

Who would you invite, living or dead, to a dinner party?
Uncle Karl Lagerfeld. Haha, except he's not my uncle, and he would never come!

How would you murder someone if you absolutely had to?
AVADA KEDAVRA! Boom, no mess, no fuss--just one little phrase.

For the rest of your life, you much either talk in rhymes or sing broadway style. Which do you choose?
In rhymes, so I could pass them off as a rap!

Would you rather live without the internet or without music?
I would die. If that was for real, just avada kedavra me right now!

What's your favourite snack?
Peanutbutter and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread! With milk, yum:)


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