After days of soul searching, reading Krystal's inspirational
post, and watching
Mon Meilleur Ami, I think I've finally gotten my New Years resolution down. Mind you, I've never been one for following through with resolutions, but lately I've been having this gut feeling of motivation and change.
Like I can really achieve something this year.Anyways, my major area of work this year is relationships. (
say whaaaaat?)Yeah, relationships. I must admit I'm kind of bad at them, mostly because I had a rough time growing up that involved moving around a lot and getting mercilessly tormented for being ugly/weird/different. As a result, I had bad self-esteem, (which I'm so glad I grew out of) trust issues and frienships that never lasted very long. I mean, even though I'm over the pre-highschool trauma, I still consider myself a pretty closed-off person. I still have a hard time voicing how I really feel (and opinions are
not the same as emotions) and it really puts a strain on how I present myself (ie. cold and distant) and my relationships with friends and family. Not to mention I have the most pessimistic, cynical attitude ever!
After some more thinking, I kind of figured the best place to start is with myself. I've got to be a more open and positive person, because I don't honestly think a person can achieve anything until they change their mindset.
Hope your 2010 resolutions are off to a great start!
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