So I know I've introduced you to my
dad earlier, but I don't think you've ever met my sister:)
Everyone meet Kristine, my twelve year-old younger sis. Yeahhhh, we don't look anything alike (she takes more after my dad) and we certainly don't have the same taste in clothes, for those of you wondering.
Introductions aside, I would like to direct you lovelies over to my
TUMBLR. Yep, I broke down and finally got one! I made it about a month ago, and have been using it to post my inspirations. Really great way to finally organize the pretty pictures that have been lurking unused and unappreciated in the depths if my computer:)
Also, don't forget to drop by
ILIKEITSHINY. I know I don't update my photography blog often, but it's been getting some love recently;)
Hope you all had a sweet weekend!
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