Twenty-Seven Wishes

Twenty-Seven Wishes
Twenty-Seven Wishes
This is the dress I wore to the She & Him concert, except instead of hiking boots I wore my cutout oxfords. With the hiking boots I feel very Twenty-Seven Names.
Twenty-Seven Wishes
Twenty-Seven Wishes
I want to give a shout out to Caitlin, of To Be Determined, who shipped this dress out super fast, so I could wear it to the concert. Thank You Caitlin!
Twenty-Seven Wishes
Twenty-Seven Wishes
Photos by Cole. Thanks, darling!
Vintage white dress: To Be Determined
Make a Wishbone Necklace: c/o ModCloth
Sunglasses and socks: Urban Outfitters
Vintage backpack: thrifted
Old hiking boots: stolen from sister
small bow no shadow
There are a few new items on my sidebar- two badges (bottom left sidebar) and a formspring. If you put the O Captain badge on your blog, you get 10% off any purchase in my shop for as long as the badge is up. Just use the code "Badge" with a link to your blog in the message to seller. Discount will be refunded through paypal.

Maria Sig


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