Flowers in Your Hair
Spring is preparing for its debut. Today was such a gloriously beautiful day with the sun shining and temperatures in the low 60s. Pretty much all of the snow is gone and let's hope it's the last of the season. Testing my diy skills, I made this floral headband today. What do you think? I took a velvet ribbon, turned it upside down
(for friction), glued flower tops to the ribbon, glued a little elastic to the back and voilĂ ! I'm tempted to make some for my shop. Would anyone be interested? And if so, how much would you want to pay?
Photos by Cole. Thanks, darling!
Milk Thistle dress: Tulle, c/o ModClothKey necklace and floral headband: diyTights and Clogs: TargetChloe sunglasses:'m pretty darn excited about the fact that, in these photos, my hair looks almost like its natural color!
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