Round and Round

Round and Round
Round and Round
Round and Round
I truly have the most amazing readers!! I can't thank you all enough for your wonderful feedback and more importantly, your understanding. I was so torn up over my decision and you all really made me feel more at ease with myself. Having donated 10 inches of my hair two years ago I know how hard it can be to stay stagnant with your look. I know I will donate again in the future but at this time I really need to do something new. That being said, it looks like for sure that Rita Red is the winner! As some of you have mentioned I will probably have to go lighter in order to achieve that shade of red, so maybe I'll stay blonde for a bit or maybe I'll go straight to red. Either way, I'll be going to a salon so if anyone knows of a good (yet reasonably priced) one in either Royal Oak or Ann Arbor, please let me know!Round and Round
Round and Round
Round and Round
Round and Round
Round and Round
Photos by Cole. Thanks, darling!
Blouse: J. Peterman
Shorts, tights, clogs: F21
Round and Round necklace: c/o Spotted Moth
Faux fur hat: asos
Cole has completed three more interviews this week and he'll be flying out tomorrow for a round two interview in Connecticut. He also has to fly out next week for a round three interview in Minnesota. Such stressful times. Please keep your fingers crossed for him. With times still being so crap the competition for jobs is pretty tough.

Maria Sig 2


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