Finally, it's Friday--I honestly thought it would never come! After a week the gloomy weather, math homework, English assignments, and overall lack of inspiration I am ready to C H I L L. Looking forward to leaning back and listening to some good techno, having a picnic with my friends, doing a photo shoot...maybe even get around to building a legit photography portfolio?
A portfolio for what exactly?
Well, lately I've been very bored in school. So much so, that I have decided upon transferring schools next year...even if it's going to be for senior year. Bringing this up to friends (and teachers) hasn't been easy--for them, anyway! I know I'll miss my old school and friends, but I don't think it's worth "sticking it out" on my "last year" at my current school when I know it's going to be just like this year: a) academically boring b) creative-crippling and c) a huge, social YAWN.
It's hard to explain to people why I want to leave when I've already been there for three [really, really, bland] years, but I can't say much more than I just want to follow my dreams. SO CLICHÉ, I KNOW. But you when you're as passionate as I am about photography (or anything for that matter) you'll do anything you possibly can to pursue it. I've decided that since it's my last year, it's in my best interest to make full use of it.
SO. I've decided I'm going to bust my ass and to go to this school, which has an amazing photography facility in addition to all the boring academic things to make my senior year purposeful and exciting! Plus I'll meet new people, get to re-invent myself, etc.etc.and I still get to see all my friends since they all live close by. All in all, quite possibly one of the best decisions I've ever made, really:)
Anyway, I should stop rambling and announce the WINNER of the Misikko Giveaway I hosted last week.
After writing down the appropriate # of names on a sheet of paper, I went onto an online random number generator and got Roya+ the Machine, congrats! (I'll be contacting you shortly for the deets)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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