Ph. by Kristine |
For whatever reason, people like reach out and touch my clothes--like, all the time. It's not that I mind when people ask if they could pet my velvet leggings or feel my sequined jacket. In fact, I kind of like it when people actually stop to notice!
I mean, don't you think textures just add so much more interest to an outfit? It really captures attention in a way a bold colour or pattern can''s not "in your face", yet it certainly holds your attention. I think it's because we take the sense of touch for granted everyday, we don't even think about it. But then, you suddenly see something fluffy or rough or silky--and you just want to reach out and
feel it. Just stop and think if everything we wore was in one (boring) texture. Wouldn't that suck? Because how fun would fashion be if you couldn't stop and run your hands over the the comfort of cotton, the richness of velvet or the rebelliousness of worn leather? You can't
not have texture--because fashion is all about feeling it. Style-wise
and fabric-wise!
Wearing a vintage faux fur hat, silk shirt, and suede boots; H&M Divide velvet leggings; sequined biker jacket courtesy of Lucyd Acyd ; vintage eel skin purse and bullet/crystal necklace courtesy of La Dama.FOLLOW ME ON
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