Ph. by Kristine
Currently: the weather is absolute crap and it has been raining for days; I am blogging on my little cousin's net book because my own computer is messed up; AND I still cannot locate my black dress which has been missing for approximately a week. But none of that matters, because guess what--I got myself a
job!!! Like I said, a job by the end of this week. I actually got hired on Tuesday, and I don't even know how I was able to contain this information all to myself and not all over the internet when you consider how ecstatic I was...
But anyhow! I got the job at
Town Shoes to be exact--total shoe heaven!!! I start training tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited. Seriously, after working a year and a half at a fast-food joint, being surrounded by shoes all day is like winning the job lottery. Just sayin'.
I think the only [not-even-that] bad thing coming out of this new job is that I have to wear all black clothes, all the time. I didn't even realize it was a "bad thing" until I looked into my closet and realized I didn't actually own that much black, and that I really like wearing colour ie) no purple mesh harem pants at work for me! Oh, well. Wearing outrageous, all-mesh outfits is usually reserved for my blog anyway ;)
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Wearing mesh tee, nude tank top, and mesh harem pants courtesy of American Apparel, vintage belt, random shoes, and sunnies and double-finger leaf ring by Aldo.FOLLOW ME ON
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