pretty sweet back view of my favourite new shirt ▲▲▲
and my favourite new statement piece, an amber ring from my aunt ▼▼▼
Exam week is coming up really soon, and right now, I am just
stressing ouuuuuuuut! French film project here, history presentation there, and let's not forget about that pesky accounting exam! UGH. I can't wait until it's over!
In the mean time, here is the shirt which I took my anger out on. I think it went pretty well despite the fact that it was merely a distraction to my "studies"(hours upon hours spent
not doing homework)
As far as the DIY goes, I followed the one from childhoodflames. Basically, you cut off the hem, find the first horizontal thread with a seam ripper and start pulling.
Wearing a DIY shredded tee, random jewelry + amber ring from aunt, zippered leggings courtesy of The Scarlet Room in blue and zellers shoes.
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