ModCloth Travel Bug: Royal Oak, MI

Royal Oak Travel
I can't tell you how excited I was when ModCloth asked me to do a Michigan travel bug post! Given the chance to pick my location, I couldn't resist my lovely hometown of Royal Oak, MI. Being able to highlight all of my favorite haunts was very bitter sweet and looking at today's post makes me a bit homesick. But seeing Wellie's funny pug face definitely cheers me up!
Royal Oak Travel
Royal Oak Travel
Royal Oak Travel
Royal Oak Travel

You can read all about by favorite Royal Oak spots on the ModCloth blog...
Royal Oak Travel
Royal Oak Travel
Photos by me & Cole.
We arrived in St Paul on Wednesday evening! All of our stuff doesn't arrive till Tuesday, so we're using camping furniture. Our place looks like squatters have taken over!!

I hope you're all enjoying the beautiful guest posts!!! Since I'm still without internet, there will be a few more surprise posts coming this week.

Maria Sig 2


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