Life has been strange lately. Lots of little oddities happening around me and I just don't know what to do with them sometimes. So what can I do besides keep on keeping on? You know, hanging out with friends and doing fun photo shoots (see pic of the fabulous Zoe above), doing my homework, reading Catcher in the Rye, preparing for graduation, losing things (like my tripod mount, ugh), finding things (like my baby pictures, hardly any of which are attractive), eBay-ing things (fox fur tails, anyone?) and dealing with crappy Winnipeg "spring" weather.
In short, I've gotten so used to mundane, daily occurrences that I had absolutely no idea how to react to being approached by Breakfast Television Winnipeg to appear on their show. <<< See? No caps, no exclamation points, not even italics. TIME STOOD STILL. And then what did I do next? I danced! Nothing fancy, just flailing limbs...BECAUSE HOW ELSE WOULD YOU REACT TO THAT?!? No words, just dancing, that's how! Eventually I had to stop dancing and go to work and pretend nothing was out of the ordinary, but really, I was still dancing on the inside.
But now that the details have been confirmed (and I've calmed down now, haha) I can finally sit down and announce on my blog [what I've already announced on Twitter + Facebook yesterday]: Basically, Breakfast Television Winnipeg has invited me to appear on their show to talk about fashion and blogging! The date is set for March 31st anywhere from 6-9AM. So if you're a Winnipeger, you should really tune in on channel 8 bright and early (or PVR it, if you like to sleep in) to watch me try not to make a fool of myself live :)
Anyways, enough rambling! Regular posting (aka outfits) will resume as soon as I set up my temporary tripod!