{ tales of endearment }

i'm a HUGE fan of natalie joos's vintage-centric site, tales of endearment (i've blogged about it before), and as such was massively flattered when she emailed me, expressing an interest in scoping out my own humble vintage collection. what ensued was a truly delightful morning, spent playing dress-up around the house. natalie, please pop by again any time!!

{ vintage sunnies from brimfield flea market, paola mendoza necklace (i'm obsessed with it!) courtesy of boticca, vintage 1960's gown (made from 1930's fabric) via shrimpton couture (i also wore it HERE) }

{ vintage hat from pittsburgh, elizabeth & james 'monroe' sunnies, vintage bill blass dress from shrimpton couture (i also wore it HERE), gifted kendra scott earrings & ring, vintage bag from angel street thrift shop, prada shoes }

{ house of harlow sunnies, vintage beaded collar from a textiles vendor in austin, vintage victor costa dress found in florida, alberta ferretti shoes }

{ reworked vintage sunnies, kelly framel necklace, vintage dress passed down from my mother }

~ all photos by natalie joos // many more pictures and interviews to be seen on style.com and talesofendearment.com ~


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