{ after } the storm

{ vintage umbrella, kelly framel necklace, helmut lang blazer (last seen HERE), rachel rachel roy blouse, alexander wang shorts (last seen HERE), kelly framel wrap bracelets (coming soon), dedegumo watch, gifted tiffany tiger's eye clutch, chloe sevigny for opening ceremony boots }

in the end, hurricane irene passed rather uneventfully through new york ~ for which i am quite grateful (so many other cities were less lucky). also feeling pretty giddy about: this so-gorgeous silk clutch, scoring 3 great pairs of shoes at the barneys sale (these boots included!), and the fact that today is my birthday!! and my blog's almost-anniversary ~ you see, three years ago today, at my 25th birthday celebration, my friends dubbed me 'the glamourai' (they all got party names too), and the basis for this whole blog project accidentally began. who'd have thought we'd all be here today?! what a ride.


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