Newest Obsession: Coral
Okay, so after two days saving tons of
coral jewellery into my polyvore closet and whatnot, I declare myself OFFICIALLY inlove with
coral. I absolutely love the color of natural coral, the shape of the branches....the everything. It's really fresh! I also lurve the fresh combination of
coral and turquoise. Even fresher! They look really good, seeing as they're complimentary colours.
The only thing I'm not sure about
coral makeup--It's just not for me. I'm sure it looks fab on some people, but I'm more into
berries. A good example of coral/peach makeup is
here, and coral/peach makeup gone horribly wrong is
here. Another thing why I'm against coral makeup is that
no one was born with orange freaking lips. Or cheeks. So there.
Here's a few of my sets featuring CORAL!
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