Paper Dolls

Lately, I've rekindled my love of paper dolls. I forgot how wonderfully fun and creative the craft can be. The Black Apple's Paper Doll Primer book was bought on a whim with some extra Christmas money and was definitely worth every penny. The pages are so beautifully illustrated by the author, Emily Winfield Martin, that you feel transported just flipping through the pages. There are so many different doll options provided with lovely clothes, accessories and wigs to go with them. I'm still too scared to actually cut anything out and ruin it's beauty (I'll probably make photocopies instead), but I have grand plans to make a paper doll banner.
Paper Dolls

I found a great alternative to traditional paper dolls with these amazing fabric wall decals from the Etsy shop, Mae. Again, you are given many different clothing, accessory and wig options. Plus, all pieces are reusable and can withstand some tough treatment. When I move to Mpls, I plan on buying a few different sets for my desk area!
Paper Dolls
Maria Sig 2


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