{ glamourai DIY } floral headdress

many of you really liked the floral crowns i wore in my first and second midsummer posts ~ so i'm excited to show you just how easy it is to make your own!

first, a note: i used fake flower branches for my crowns (mine came from assorted stores in new york's floral district, which is located on 28th street between 6th and 7th avenues), so they could be worn again and again. if you're okay with a more ephemeral effect, then the same steps can be followed with real flowers.

the materials i used were:
- faux floral branches (i chose relatively sparse stems for a natural feel, but you could easily go more dramatic and pick fuller pieces to work with):

- extra decorations (for my first crown, i added vintage silk geraniums that i found at tinsel trading. for this second round, i used little white feather butterflies that i picked up in the floral district):

- needle nose pliers, wire cutters, jewelry wire and clear nail polish:

STEP 1: choose two branches and secure them together, end-to-end. do so by cutting a short piece of jewelry wire and wrapping it tightly around the ends of both branches with your needle nose pliers.

STEP 2: make a second connection so that your two branches now form a full circle. before securing this time, make sure the circle fits around the top of your head!

STEP 3: now that you have the base of your crown built, you can begin layering on more frills and frippery ~ as much or as little as you please! cut smallish sprigs off your faux floral branches, then connect them (individually) to the crown using more little bits of wire, as shown below:

STEP 4: once you've filled the crown with flowers, add in whatever additional bits and bobs you'd like. i chose the white butterflies to better coordinate my crown with my theyskens theory dress. these came with clear threads attached to their backs, so i didn't need jewelry wire to attach them. instead, i just tied a very tight knot, which i then double-secured with a dollop of clear nail polish:

STEP 5: once the polish dried, i snipped off the excess thread. and... that's it!!

remember that the possibilities with this project are essentially endless. use these basic steps on any kinds and combinations of floral lovelies! and if you decide to make one of these babies yourself, please share the pics on my facebook page. happy crafting!!

PS: click HERE for brand new midsummer photos!


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