the crux of my decorating dilemnas has been the issue of picking, and then waiting for, a couch. i didn't hate the couch i moved in with, i just hated it in this apartment. the way my space is arranged, the couch sort of holds court over everything else. it's the most immediately noticeable element, so it had to be perfect. and since i wanted a modern, airy feel, it also had to be white.
i looked and i looked ~ but when i finally chose one that fit my budget, size, and design criteria, i was informed that it would take at least two months to make & deliver. i thought that was an exaggeration, but i thought wrong.
ultimately, after nine verrrrry long weeks of waiting, my new couch is finally arriving this thursday. i couldn't be more thrilled! so many little (but essential) decorating projects have had to be put on hold until this key element arrives, and now that it's almost here i feel like the end is in sight. i don't believe there's ever such a thing as a 'finished' space, but at last i'm thisclose to residing in one that i can truly be proud of ~ and finally share!!
in celebration/anticipation, here are nine white-couched rooms i really love: { as with most things in my over-bulging decoration-inspiration file, i unfortunately have no cluewhere these photos originated. in the process of decorating, i've been gluttonously culling images from all over! }
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