Who Wears Short Shorts?

Not me, that's for sure! Why you ask? Well it goes way way back to a day when I was in 2nd grade. I was wearing some shorts at "Field Day", a supposed fun-filled day of athletic competition. I was standing around in the field waiting for a ball to come my way when out of the blue a boy called me "thunder thighs". Heart.break. Self esteem killer. I could have killed him but I was too crushed to move. To this very day I can still feel the stake go straight through my heart. Kids can be so damn cruel!

OK, I must admit he might've had a point. My thighs have never been one of my best features. No matter how hard I work them, which admittedly isn't very often these days, they still have a little extra jiggle.

I spend the entire summer in skirts and dresses. Never in a million years would I dream of wearing shorts. But oh how I love the look of them. Especially when paired with a little cardi & cute ballet slippers. Tres adorable!

How about you guys? Are your short sporters? Or do you hide your jiggle under forgiving skirts & dresses?

Images: found here


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