Bicycle Birthday Wishes

beg bella bicycle
As my birthday approaches, I'm trying really hard to narrow down which bicycle I'll buy when we move to Minnesota. Did you know that Minneapolis is now the #1 biking city in the US?! Millicent will forever be my favorite bicycle, but she's a senior citizen and can't handle long trips. So here are my top choices...
The Kate Spade and Adeline Adeline bicycle-
kate spade bicycle

The Pashely Britannia in white or blue and the Poppy in light blue-
pashley britannia bicycle
pashley britannia bicycle
pashley poppy bicycle
And the Beg Bella bicyle in chalk (which is also featured in the first photo)-
beg bella bicycle
Of course, I want your opinions and feedback!!! This is such a tough (and expensive) decision!

Maria Sig 2


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