Last week I received these beautiful mineral necklaces in purple and orange. They are handmade by Monica, a girl from Washington.
She got inspired at a hike to a nearby crystal forest where she found many quartz points.You can buy her necklaces here and if you become Facebook Fan, you get 10% off!
My wardrobe is pretty set for spring. I've been accumulating some of these pieces for a while now... Rikki of Kissyface was so very nice and sent me a Western bow tie and wooden floral brooch. You'll be seeing both pieces very soon in future shoots. I had a store credit just itching to be used at Dear Creatures. I bought the Hannah dress in stripes and the Colonel blouse in purple/beige (which is on sale). Siren sent me two very pretty chiffon blouses. I will be pairing both with wide leg trousers. I have three events coming up in the next two months and these two Dahlia dresses will be seeing me through- my sister's baby shower, a cousin's bridal shower and my 30th birthday party (yikes I'm not ready to be 30). I bought both dresses on asos with one of the 20%off coupons that they're always sending to my email. And last, but certainly not least- I was finally able to procure the elusive Rachel Antonoff Bass floral navy saddle shoes. It was a happy accident when I checked Free People on Monday and got the last pair available in my size. They arrived this morning. Happy dancing ensued.
Thank You So Much for all the incredibly kind comments on my new haircut, Cole's b-day, water-heater problems/fixes and my crazy thyroid. All your love and support means so much!
Jedes Jahr geht einmal zuende so auch 2009 Es war kein besonders aufregendes Jahr dennoch hat sich viel verändert, einiges Fehlt, ich durfte tolle Menschen kennenlernen, und einige tolle Persönlichkeiten sind von und gegangen. So war das, nur noch ein bisschen mehr durcheinander gewĂ¼rfelt. Dennoch bin ich 2009 auch sehr dankebar fĂ¼r viele tolle Momente mit einzigartigen Menschen.
Es war FrĂ¼hling
Es war Sommer
Es war Herbst
Es war Winter
Aus diesem Grund wĂ¼nsche ich euch allen einen Guten Rutsch und ein schönes drittletzten Mal Silvester. :D
Feiert fein und genieĂŸt noch die letzten 8h 2009. Ich bedanke mich fĂ¼rs lesen, kommentieren & anklicken
Happy New Year, lovelies! I hope you all have the most amazing time tonight and wishing you all a joyous & prosperous new year. I want to thank you all for the support over this past year. It truly means the world to me. Thank you for bringing me such happiness on a daily basis and I look forward to much more of the same in the new year.