This Weeks' Hit List

Okay, people! It's about time for this weeks' hit list! I should also correct myself--in my previous post, I said I was going to post a hit list every other week or so, but what I really meant was every other post. Anywhere, here it is!

Denim Shorts: I know I've mentioned loving these shorts before (yes, I love them that much) & so I went out, got myself a pair of cheap-ass jeans from the nearest Value Village (6 bucks, whoo hoo!) and made myself a pair. Check 'em out here & here.

Soffe Shorts: Totally repeating myself again, but like I said, I love shorts; soffe shorts this week, to be precise. I love the shortness, the preppiness (in a good way) and the convertibility of it. Plus, i love the bright shades! In fact, I clipped a ton of them this week...*guilty*

Striped Knee Socks: Used to be really obsessed with knee socks 5 months ago, then I forgot about them, and now, I'm obsessed! AGAIN! Only diff, is that I'm in love with the thicker, striped, gym socks; due to my recent trip to the new American Apparel store downtown. I must get my hands on some soon...(erm, went crazy again and clipped some tie-dye knee socks :P)

Vests: I haven't featured many vests in my sets lately; this is a more real life obsession. I have found myself wearing my black vest more and more often! I also got this vintage suede vest from VV, hoping to wear it soon, as soon I get the stink out of it...

Printed Tees: Lusting over some vintage, funny, artsy, colored tees. Hoping to scour the thrifts soon, as well as getting my hands on these. The Harry Potter shirt(s), I lurve, and I cant wait till Jade makes em! (so hurry, Jade, hurry!)

Knee socks, vintage/artsy tee

Soffe shorts, funny/coloured tee

Soffe shorts, striped knee socks


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